
Ecuador Block 16'

Last Tuesday, 9 October, I saw an exhibition with David Medalla (a great Filipino artist and art activist).
We went to a gallery in the central London at a very posh hotel.
The exhibition is about an Indian tribe and the oil contamination at Ecuador, created by the Mexican artist "Gabriel Orozco"
I think this kind of "political art works" or "engaged art" is the new tendency in the art circuit.
now, a little text and pictures about the exhibition; and ahead, some Gabriel Orozco works

The show entitled 'Ecuador Block 16' is an exhibition of creative work that has emerged from the Adventure Ecology mission to Ecuador earlier this year.

The intrepid AE team were brought back together in London for the event: David de Rothschild, founder of Adventure Ecology; Gabriel Orozco, Artist; Dustin Lynn, film maker; Oliver Chanarin + Adam Broomberg, photographers; Maria Fadiman, Ethnobotanist and their jungle guide Zoe Tryon, were all on hand to talk about their work and their adventure together; raising awareness of oil pollution in the Amazon rainforest. You can see several of Adam + Olly's incredible photographs over the fold.
These photos are exhibited on an enormous scale and create a big impact in the gallery space making you really feel the rich textures and colours of the Amazon. These contrast beautifully with the small delicate sketches made by Gabriel Orozco with seeds, fruit and oil from the rainforest. All 60 sketches are displayed on a plinth in the middle of the room and weighted down with shards of Achuar pottery. These pieces had been placed on the sketches while he was working in the field to stop them blowing away in the wind and consequently became part of the art work.

Dustin Lynn's 16mm short film at the other end of the gallery catches yet more extraordinary imagery from the expedition. The film gives a wonderful overview of the team's experiences in Ecuador and shows how all the members of the team worked together within their various creative mediums. The quality of light that Dustin captures on film, somewhat his trademark, is what makes this an exceptionally beautiful piece of film.

Ecuador Block 16 at The Gallery at The Hospital Club
24 Endell Street, London WC2
Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th October, 10am to 9pm
Saturday 13th October – 12 noon to 9pm

Gabriel Orozco,

Pinched Ball
Cibachrome, 16 x 20 inches
Edition of 5
Courtesy of the Artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York

From Roof to Roof
Cibachrome, 16 x 20 inches
Edition of 5
Courtesy of the Artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York

Empty Shoe Box
Cibachrome, 16 x 20 inches
Edition of 5
Courtesy of the Artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York

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